Leah Elizabeth Photography

Hey y’all

Welcome to Value Minded Mama. This is my creative space where I document motherhood moments, cool kiddo and family finds, my super simple casual mommy style, saving time and money tips, our travels/adventures and being a stay at home mom. I love that you're here! Please stop by one of my posts (or fill out the contact form) and let me know how you found me. I love making friends and connecting with new people. Feel free to check out my social media channels below for more from Value Minded Mama.

No Snobs

No Snobs

When it comes to clothes and beauty products, I love to shop! I don't really care where I am or what store, as far as brands go. Now, I love brands and have my favorite stores, but if I can find something I like, I will most likely buy it regardless of the store. Of course it has to be cute, the style flattering and in my price range. But the hierarchy of the store does not matter.  

With that being said, I do not usually shop for clothes at Walmart, typically because I find their styles ill fitting and sometimes their patterns are a miss and too young looking (not sophisticated enough). I used to have this snobby attitude about buying clothes from Walmart. I thought it was beneath me to get my clothes from there (even though I get everything else there). However, sometimes they get it right and you can find cute styles and flattering fits on a budget.






Take for example this cute button down day dress. I did not personally purchase this from Walmart, It was handed down to me, but it is from Walmart nonetheless. And it's adorable if I may say so myself! It fits beautifully, is modest for a mom on the go & play dates (or church where I wore it), and the pattern is perfectly lovely. I'm sure it was affordable too, probably around $15-$20. I feel like a classy southern mama with style!













dress (Similar) // boots (Similar) // purse (Kathy's Kreations) // cuff (Rustic Cuff) // earrings (Premier Designs)


So, don't be like I was, and be snobbish about shopping at Walmart for your fashion. We all probably buy makeup and beauty supplies there (as well as another million things), but venture out and see if you can find clothing in a style/fit that you like. You may find your next favorite outfit! <3 Amanda

Highliner Review

Highliner Review

Personalized Gift

Personalized Gift