Leah Elizabeth Photography

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How to Throw an Adorable Girls Tea Party at Home

How to Throw an Adorable Girls Tea Party at Home

Looking for something fun and sweet to do with your girls? I’ve been wanting to get our childrens tea set out for a while now. But since it’s a “new” toy (it’s thrifted but it’s new to us, vintage and porcelain), I didn’t want to just play with it right away. I wanted to make it special. 

With our mandatory “stay at home” order, I thought today was the perfect day for a mommy and daughter backyard picnic. The weather’s nice, there’s nothing else to do… why not?! Here’s how to throw an adorable girl’s tea party at home!


Get a tea set

I was fortunate enough to have thrifted this beautiful childrens doll tea set last year. I knew at the time she was too little for it, so I saved it for a special occasion. 

Ours is porcelain (breakable) but it’s also tiny. So it’s the perfect size for little hands and dolls & stuffed animals. It came with this sweet wicker picnic basket which is just so precious. I found the same one as ours on eBay!


Here are several similar sweet options that are available online but ANY tea set will do. Just use what you have, find a cheap plastic one, find pieces secondhand or order one of these beauties for a special occasion or event/holiday.

1. Toy Time Creative Play Tea Set

2.13 Piece floral tea set with pink picnic basket

3.Little girls floral tea set 13 pieces

4.Childrens porcelain pink dot tea set

5.Colorful Hand Glazed Ceramic Tea Party Set (9 pieces)

6.Butterfly Mini Toy Tea Party Set

Pick some kid-friendly snacks

My kids love charcuterie board snacks since I make them often. But since our tea set was so tiny, I went with little snacks that would fit on the plates.

I chose summer sausage, cheese, crackers, apples & blueberries. Just look for tiny things you can put on the plates - nuts & popcorn are good too if your little one is old enough.

I also cut the cheese & sausage with a tiny flower cookie cutter to give them a more spring vibe and fit more on the plate. 


Some other picnic snack food ideas are: goldfish, teddy grahams, cutie oranges, kiwis, banana slices, raspberries, blackberries, pretzels and chocolate chips.

You’ll also want to pick a drink. I would’ve loved some tea but juice or water works well for kids.

Dress up

This is certainly not required but it was fun for us to dress up for once. We’re usually in sweats and pajamas. We did dress up for Easter, but those are the only few times in the weeks since we’ve been home. 

Plus, my daughter loves to dress like a “princess” so why not. Wear costumes, dresses, twirly skirts and tutus - whatever you have that’s fun and makes you feel beautiful.


Something to sit on

Don’t get your pretty dresses dirty or let the bugs get to your food first! Get a blanket, quilt or sheet to sit on. It’s probably a lot softer than the itchy grass anyway. Add some pillows to make it extra cozy! Or use your outdoor table, whatever works for you.



I also brought a little tray to make the surface flat for the “tea” and china set. It’s not a necessity but it does add some stability for little hands.


Don’t forget bug spray and sunscreen. It’s the spring - there are mosquitoes and it’s like 80° where we are. Skincare is so important!

A basket or tote to carry all your stuff in will be super helpful too. I know, you’re only going to the backyard but trust me, it’ll make your life easier.

Are y’all ready to throw an awesome backyard picnic tea party? This would be such a fun way to celebrate Mother’s Day at home too! Invite grandma (social distancing of course) and make it the sweetest family reunion with everybody’s favorite treats. Also would make the cutest party idea when we get back to those again. ;)


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