Value Minded Mama

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Is the DockATot Baby Lounger Really Worth It?

All right y’all, I’ve already had a few requests about how the DockATot Deluxe (0-8months) has been working for us and if it’s really worth the price ($195).


*Standard Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I did receive product for review purposes. Affiliate links included. All opinions are completely my own, based on my experience.*


First, let me start out by sharing some of the DockATot’s best features:

  • High Quality, multi-use, cosleeper/lounger

  • 2 sizes (Deluxe (0-8mo), Grand (9-36mo))

  • Machine Washable

  • Travel Friendly

  • Breatheable

  • Hypoallergenic

  • Harmful Substance Free

  • Fun Designs

  • Customizable



The DockATot is a very multi-functional baby lounger. It can be used for babies and toddlers, around the house, changing, naptime, cuddling, playing, bed transitioning, bonding, supervised tummy time and lounging. Several features are only meant for infants, but toddlers can certainly benefit from the DockATot Grand!



I have not had the opportunity to travel with our DockATot yet. Traveling is one of the main reasons I wanted a DockATot. It’s not always easy and conducive to your space, to have a portable crib/playard. But, the DockATot is safe and compact enough, that it would work in several different traveling scenarios. My 3yr old sleeps in a full size bed at home, so there is no way he would ever sleep in a DockATot. But, my five-month-old has already gotten accustomed to hers by sleeping in it during naptime. She is not yet crawling, so I think it would work really well for her.


Another “traveling” reason I got it, was for nap time when my kids go over to their grandparents for play dates. My toddler is already in the one pack and play they have set-up, I needed another safe place for baby girl and it is way easier to take a DockATot than a second pack and play!



I personally do not use the DockATot for cosleeping. We have never slept in the bed with our babies (or toddlers!) unless it was that first week when they came back from the hospital, and everyone was just too exhausted to move from the bed. I don’t do this for “safety” reasons, we do this for marriage reasons. The bed is one place my husband and I get to be by ourselves, away from our kids. So we want to keep it that way unless of course, it was an emergency! So I honestly cannot say how the DockATot works as a cosleeper in the bed with you.


I can say, that I feel like it would be a much safer and pleasant experience for everyone if that’s how you chose to use it. Its kind of like a Rock-n-Play, where they love to be cocooned and tucked in close, except the DockATot is not at an incline and it’s able to go in the bed. Baby can be right beside the parents. I would say if your little one is having trouble sleeping throughout the night, but they will sleep with you already, this is probably your best bet for getting the rest you need, while still being able to comfort them.




The DockATot is only good for newborns through three-year-olds. Not sure if you would want to use it past three, but it is only good for a short period of time. May not be worth the investment for you, if your kid is reaching towards the older toddler years and you won’t be able to get much use out of it.



There are really only two places that are 100% safe for you to use the DockATot; in the bed or on the floor. It is not safe to use in the crib, next to a wall or on a high surface. The crib/wall is not a safe place because baby can get stuck in the empty space between the two and suffocate. And then obviously if your baby is raised too high off the ground, they could fall.



You CAN wash it! The cover is one piece with a removable padded tube and a small, lightweight mattress on the bottom. You can wash everything, but you will have to take it all apart and reassemble it.


While I am very grateful for this feature, because my daughter spits up 100 times a day, I am also annoyed that I have to take it all apart to do so. My daughter literally spits up at least 10 times in between feedings. There’s no way I could wash this that often. So she only goes in the DockATot when she needs to and I only wash it once a week.


How I use our DockATot

I have used our Deluxe DockATot for napping, tummy time, lounging, and playtime. My only concern is that she is getting very big, very fast. I probably should have waited until mine turned nine months, so I could have use of the Grand DockATot for a longer period of time. OR I wish I would have gotten the Deluxe when she was a newborn so she could’ve used it for a longer period of time. But ours will definitely serve its purpose, no matter her age, whenever we travel or visit the grandparents, so that’s enough for me! I can also unclasp the buckle on the bottom when she gets a little bigger to accommodate her growing size. And how cute is the floral DockATot cover?


All in all, I think this is a great product and very baby and mom-friendly!  So, is it really worth the $195 price tag? Well, that depends on your budget, and what you would use it for. If you are really having problems cosleeping, searching for safe, contained places for your baby, or looking for a more travel-friendly option than a bulky pack and play, I think this would definitely be worth it because of WHY you need it and all the other features it has going for it as well.  

I do have a $10 off coupon (valid till May 14), if you want to purchase a DockATot. Click HERE for $10 OFF.