Value Minded Mama

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Bellefit Postpartum Corset Review

Have you ever experienced a product for the first time and thought, “How could I have lived so long without this?” That is literally how I felt about the Bellefit Corset. It has been instrumental in getting me back to my pre-pregnancy body and I love wearing it!

*Standard disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received product for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own, based on my experience.*

I got the Bellefit Corset, Front-Closure, for C-Section or Natural birth. I’ve been wearing it for a month now, and I honestly don’t know how I ever lived without one. I did not have any type of postpartum corset with my first, and after experiencing the joys of a postpartum girdle, I really wish I had! It has aided tremendously in my postpartum recovery.

I haven’t been able to work out as much as I did with my first, right after pregnancy. It’s a lot harder to take care of yourself when you have a toddler and a newborn. I still found some time to go to the gym 1 to 3 times a week before I could take my newborn with us. Then the flu happened and I didn’t want to risk anyone getting sick, so we stayed home. And if I’m being honest, I haven’t been eating as well as I should either. So that has definitely hindered my “bouncing back after baby” progress. But thank goodness for the Bellefit, or I would be in much worse shape!


I have seen a dramatic difference in wearing the Bellefit Corset consistently. It’s recommended to wear anywhere from 12 to 24 hours at a time. I wear mine during the day, after I’ve worked out or had a shower. So probably a total of 8 to 12 hours a day. I do not wear it while working out. And there were a few days when my husband was out of town and I wore it, not during the day, but while I was sleeping. I found that to be the most effective. But, it’s not very practical for us and my husband is not a fan of me wearing it to bed.

I think with a healthy diet, regular exercise (30 to 45 minutes a day at least), core strengthening exercises and wearing this girdle for at least eight hours a day would yield the absolute best results! Even with what little I’ve been able to do at the gym and consistently wearing my corset, I have seen amazing results.

Before: one month postpartum.

After: two months months postpartum, and wearing the Bellefit for one month.

As you can see it’s very subtle differences from the front, but from the side it is drastic!  This is me barely trying fitness wise (1-3xs a week, walking). One more month of wearing my bellefit and I will definitely be back to my prepregnancy body.  


The Bellefit Corset is very smooth and flush to the body. You can practically wear it with any top, or just add a cami and you’re good to go! Many postpartum corsets are bulky and have a bunch of confusing straps and layers. The Bellefit is nothing like that. It’s so easy to use and has great compression. It has also helped improve my posture. And I have scoliosis, so support is a definite must, especially after baby!


Now, the Bellefit is definitely an investment, but one you will not regret making. The one I’m wearing (Front-Closure, for C-Section or Natural) is $108, but they do have different price points. And remember, it is medical-grade and you could always wait until you’re a little closer to your normal size before investing in one.


I highly recommend wearing a Bellefit Corset to help you get back to your pre-pregnancy body. They have several different styles to choose from as well. So you aren’t limited to just a front closure. Check out their site and use my code: VALUE20 for $20 off any corset. I promise you will not regret investing in one of these! It truly is a postpartum MUST HAVE!!

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What was one thing you would do differently about your postpartum journey? Did you have a favorite postpartum product? Please leave a comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts.