Value Minded Mama

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Running Errands

Every mom has a million responsibilities and like absolutely no time to do them. That’s why COMFORT is the key to whatever you can do, in the amount of time you have. Being a mom doesn’t mean you have to wear mom jeans (even though that’s apparently the style now - gross) and always have crazy zombie eyes and hair. You can look chic and classy while still being comfortable. And for relatively less than you might imagine. This is a very comfortable “go to” look that I typically use when running errands. Now, I don’t usually wear white if we’re going to be playing or eating somewhere, but just going to the grocery store, it’s a pretty safe bet. And layers are key! Stores are always different temperatures than outside, so I always bring a lightweight jacket or cardigan with me just in case. As for Silas’ look, I put him in something that’s comfortable to move around in, keeps him warm and is easy for me to change him. Normally, white is a terrible choice for him because he gets it dirty in seconds, but since we ate lunch at home, it is no problem. He did great on our errands today and looked so cool doing it!















loose t-shirt (Old Navy) // cardigan (Motherhood) // white leggings (Walmart) // black booties (Target) // choker (Forever 21)

pirate shirt (Gymboree) // black pants (Koala) // shoes (carters)