Leah Elizabeth Photography

Hey y’all

Welcome to Value Minded Mama. This is my creative space where I document motherhood moments, cool kiddo and family finds, my super simple casual mommy style, saving time and money tips, our travels/adventures and being a stay at home mom. I love that you're here! Please stop by one of my posts (or fill out the contact form) and let me know how you found me. I love making friends and connecting with new people. Feel free to check out my social media channels below for more from Value Minded Mama.


For the past few months, I have been really excited about blogging. I never thought I would be a blogger because I didn’t think I had anything of value to offer millions of people (and maybe I still don’t) but I think some of the things I’ve learned in my life and am currently experiencing may be helpful for someone, somewhere out there.


You see, I’m a real woman. I love those blogs and Instagram accounts, just like anyone else, that are just so gorgeous you’re like, “Is this person even real? Her life seems so beautiful and put together. And how does she have all that money to get those awesome clothes!” But, I’m not one of those blogs, if that is what you’re looking for – you’re in the wrong place. Sure, I have those moments when I look good, take a decent landscape picture, go on the occasional trip, but I’m still just your everyday average woman. I think our world needs more of those people posting about their lives and not sugar coating what’s really happening behind the scenes (or even front and center).



So, that’s my main goal in writing this blog. I’m going to try to show you the value of real, everyday life (from my own life experiences) and encourage you to embrace the things in your life that may seem mundane. Our world encourages comparison so much that it can be overwhelming and depressing to even look at social media (been there!), and I just want to be a safe place where women can rest their weary hearts and not feel alone.



I am a stay at home mom of one sweet little angel boy who is 18 months. My husband is a graphic design artist and manager at a t-shirt shop (among other entrepreneurial things). We have been married since 2013 and love living in Columbia, South Carolina. I hope you enjoy my blog and feel rejuvenated and encouraged to be you. <3 Amanda

Thrifty Savings

Thrifty Savings